Severe weather moves over Brabant, this is what the damage looks like

From fallen trees to a collapsed roof of a riding school: the heavy rain and thunderstorms caused quite a bit of nuisance in our province on Thursday afternoon. The KNMI had announced code orange at the start of the day. That changed to code yellow around four o’clock.

Many people from Brabant sent images of the storm damage in their area. So many trees were blown down. On Dillenburgstraat in Eindhoven, for example, a tree fell on top of a shop. No one was injured.

Photo: Dave Hendriks/SQ Vision.
Photo: Dave Hendriks/SQ Vision.

Photo: Dave Hendriks/SQ Vision.
Photo: Dave Hendriks/SQ Vision.

Trees also fell on the Piet Heinlaan in Breugel and on De Ronde in Best. In Best the tree fell on top of a car. The fire brigade sawed the tree into pieces and the car was towed away.

Tree fell in Breugel (photo: Omroep Brabant).
Tree fell in Breugel (photo: Omroep Brabant).

Tree blown down on car in Best.
Tree blown down on car in Best.

De Brink in Sint Anthonis even had three fallen trees in a row. Many local residents came to see and take pictures of the damage.

Photo: Saskia Kusters/SQ Vision.
Photo: Saskia Kusters/SQ Vision.

Sam Dielemans had to flee this Thursday afternoon for the suddenly emerging storm. Literally. “Suddenly we saw a gigantic sand cloud coming our way. We ran to Strijp-S station in Eindhoven. It was blowing so hard that it even hurt a bit,” says Sam. “After a few minutes it also started to rain super hard and we got completely soaked.”

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From flooded houses to a burning roof after a lightning strike: view here several images of the storm damage in our province:

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In Son en Breugel, the roof of a riding school collapsed on Thursday afternoon. A horse got trapped. The fire brigade is busy saving the horse.

The damage to the barn is extensive.
The damage to the barn is extensive.

On Geldropseweg in Eindhoven, a bus shelter collapsed under the storm.

The storm hit several homes. That’s how Annemarie came home to a mess.

Photo: Annemarie van den Berg.
Photo: Annemarie van den Berg.

Gerry’s house in Etten-Leur also had to suffer. A leak can be seen on her ceiling.

Photo: Gerry Hoogaerts-Brökling.
Photo: Gerry Hoogaerts-Brökling.

At Bianca’s, the entire kitchen is flooded after water came up through her washing machine.

Photo: Bianca De Vries.
Photo: Bianca De Vries.

According to Brigitte, a dixie was blown into a car. The car got a big dent.

Photo: Brigitte Liebens.
Photo: Brigitte Liebens.

In addition to the damage, the storm also provided beautiful pictures. Many people from Brabant recorded the storm from their safe hiding place. For example, Sabine managed to photograph a lightning bolt in Son en Breugel.

Photo: Sabine Op Heij.
Photo: Sabine Op Heij.

Letitia also captured a lightning bolt, in Breda.

Photo: Letitia de Kruif.
Photo: Letitia de Kruif.

Marc and Otto both had a beautiful view of the approaching shower in Eindhoven.

From Prinsejagt in Eindhoven (Photo: Marc Rademakers),
From Prinsejagt in Eindhoven (Photo: Marc Rademakers),

Photo: Otto van Zelst.
Photo: Otto van Zelst.

In the village of Ulicoten in Baarle-Nassau the storm clouds were so dark that it seemed for a while as if it was night.

Photo: Maaididit.
Photo: Maaididit.

And in Elsendorp, the storm produced this beautiful picture.

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