Kristian Heiskari gives up her apartment and moves to a caravan

The home of reality TV winner Kristian Heiskar can now be found on the tires.

Soon Kristian Heiskari will live on the road. Pete Anikari

Real TV veteran Kristian ‘Krisu’ Heiskari has made changes to its housing patterns. Today, the home of the media person can be found on the rings.

The media person says in her Instagram account that she has bought her own apartment, which is suitable for cornering on the highways. It’s a light-colored Solifer caravan that the man was supposed to move into.

– Now are exciting times! Namely, I bought my own apartment today, which now happens to run on tires, Krisu writes.

He says he missed the summer of his years ago, when he lived in a motorhome.

– This summer was definitely the best time of my life. The longing for the freedom of moving lust rested to the next level you are not.

If you don’t see the post, you can view it too from here.

He says the last time life with bows lasted about half a year. Now the intention would be to stay in the car for a whole year.

During the summer, Heiskar promises to travel all over Finland for work, so a mobile home is a great solution.

Heiskari also says that he will give up his apartment in Herttoniemi, Helsinki.

– Next week, the concrete suburb of Herttoniemi is to be abandoned and I am completely unconscious about this, he crowns his writing.

Kristian Heiskari is a reality TV veteran.
