New York state accuses Amazon of discrimination

The world’s largest online mail order company Amazon is faced with a discrimination lawsuit in the US state of New York. The group discriminates against pregnant women and people with disabilities, New York Governor Kathy Hochul said on Wednesday.

Amazon was surprised in a statement. Amazon spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said the company cooperated closely with the investigation and had no indication of an imminent lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that a company manager denied a pregnant employee’s request not to lift packages weighing more than 25 pounds. Despite complaints, Amazon did nothing until the woman injured herself while lifting heavy packages. Even after that, the group did not help her, but forced her to take an unpaid break.

Amazon said in the statement that it is “extremely important” to the company that all employees – including pregnant women and those with disabilities – feel safe and supported. “We have numerous programs in place to ensure this,” the statement said. With a total of 1.6 million employees, it is not always possible, but we are constantly working to offer the best possible solution for every individual situation. In addition, Amazon cannot yet say anything about the allegations because the complaint has not yet been served on the group.

“My administration will hold all employers accountable – no matter how big or small – if they don’t treat their workers with the dignity and respect they deserve,” Gov. Hochul said. New York has the strongest rights in the country to protect workers workers and will continue to defend them against any kind of injustice.According to the government, Amazon has over 39,000 employees in the state.
