Back to school, the third episode: Flavia Vento is postponed

T.erzo appointment with Back to school, the Italia 1 program led by Nicola Savino who makes retake the fifth grade exam a 25 TV, music and sports personalities. Tonight it’s time to sit at school a Paola Caruso, Roberta Lanfranchi, Maria Teresa Ruta and the former footballer Totò Schillaci.

To be added to the “repeaters” there are two “postponed” of the previous episode, or the “pupils” who failed to pass the exam: Flavia Vento and Spark.

Will the ratings of Back to school drop again?

Back to school had started well with the first episode by touching the 9.8 percent share with peaks of 18 percent and almost 2 million viewers. A success if you think of the fierce competition: the wonders of Italy were broadcast on Rai1 with Alberto Angela, while on Canale 5 the series Sissi.

The second episode dropped to 7.7 per cent share of ea 1.4 million of viewers. That the surprise effect of the program has already ended? We’ll see if the new competitors manage to revive the fortunes of Back to school or if the broadcast is destined to end up in oblivion as The pupa and the nerd.

Nicola Savino conductor of “Back to school”. (Mediaset)

The blunders of the VIPs in the previous episodes

The fun aspect of Back to School is when you witness the blunders of VIPs. Clementine on the seven kings of Rome it is papered: “Who is the first Romulus or Remus?“. On Servius Tullius the “i” is forgotten. Ignazio Moser he just can’t remember the past tense of the verb “to cook”, while on the tributaries of the Po Vendola he remembers three: «Olio, Sesia. Adda and something Baltea that I don’t remember anymore and… I miss a piece », admits the former football player. In extremis, however, Ticino adds.

In the second episode Spark does not even remember a Venetian province, indeed yes, one: Venice. On poems Flavia Vento it wraps, but its most difficult subject is the mathematics: “I slept at school and the teacher never woke me up.” Even on unit of measure is not a top: What is the multiple of the gram? “Two grams,” he replies. Scintilla and Flavia are postponed to the third episode. Also for Benedetta Mazza The infinite from Leopards it is something foreign.

back to school flavia vento nicola savino italia1 reality

Flavia Vento among the contestants of the reality show.

The emotion of Vladimir Luxuria

Vladimir Luxuria, among the protagonists of the program, he is moved when the two teachers (well the competitors are guided to learn by “teacher” children aged 7 to 11) run to hug her at the end of the civics.

Vladimir recalled when at school she did not feel accepted and loved. Seeing instead the attitude of these two new generation girls, one is moved.



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