Much damage after fire by hemp plantation | 1Limburg

The Westelijke Mijnstreek police report this on Instagram. It is unknown whether anyone has been arrested. Judging by the photo, the damage to the house is considerable. No one was injured in the fire.

Not only did the fire cause a lot of damage, several local residents were also evacuated in the early morning. The police emphasize on social media that hemp plantations can cause fire hazards.

Also read: Evacuation of local residents due to fire in homes in Geleen

“More than three years ago, the municipality started the project ‘Henspaviljoens uit de Wijk’. With this project, the municipality, together with partners such as the police, network operator Enexis, the housing corporations and the neighborhood prevention teams, are trying to make various neighborhoods in our municipality hemp-free. and keep it,” the police said in a statement. The aim of this project is to make people more aware of the fire hazards of hemp plantations, among other things.
