Strikingly positive reactions to the latest ‘Chateau assistance’

Martien, Erica and Maxime Meiland took up the challenge for a month to live on welfare level. They temporarily exchanged their chic house in Noordwijk for a social assistance home and had to give up their luxurious life for a month.

Party in last Chateau Assistance

In the last episode, Martien, Erica and Maxime organized a major event in Uithoorn for all donors and volunteers of the Babyspullen Foundation. Because they returned to their own home, they made local residents happy with the items from their temporary home and, among other things, sold their car to donate the proceeds.

Maxime in quarantine

Unfortunately, corona ruined the party for Maxime and she had to quarantine in the rented house. Martien and Erica just didn’t seem to fully understand the corona rules. One moment they were hanging around the sick Maxime, the next Erica stormed the bedroom with a snack from McDonald’s. But corona or not, the show must go on

Great success

Besides some bickering between Martien and Erica beforehand, the event was a great success. The Meilandjes sold their car for 750 euros and immediately donated it to the foundation. They also provided a new sponsor. It was noticeable from the Meilandjes that it was time to go home. For example, viewers noticed that Martien was very grumpy.

‘Well done’

Critical reactions continue to be heard, but many viewers are now also expressing a positive sound about it Chateau assistance† “Stichting Babyspullen has gained some fame and that was the goal of the program. Well done, Meiland family!” someone wrote. Another: “The Meilandjes are doers, go-getters, enthusiasts, party numbers and pragmatists.”

Criticism of Chateau Assistance

Let’s talk about that criticism. Previously, the Meilandjes were put in their place by a woman who is really on welfare and there was a lot of fuss about social housing. According to viewers, this would not be a social assistance home at all, but that turned out to be really the case later on. And, have the Meilandjes perhaps surprised you positively, or just the opposite?

Source: TwitterRTL Boulevard

May 17, 2022
