Holidays for 23 million Italians: but the rises are worrying

Qwhen the heat begins, there is nothing to do, the desire for holidays begins to be felt very strongly, as well as the desire to book the next vacation.

If we then add the fact that they have been standing still for almost two years, we understand why the propensity to travel index is back for this year at the same pre-pandemic level. Because this is what confirms theConfturismo-Confcommercio Observatory in its survey at the end of April.

Italian holidays?  Here is the map of the 20 most popular tourist attractions

Holidays, back to travel

According to the data, 23 million Italians between 18 and 74 are willing to leave in the summer, even if the war does not leave you completely calm.

State of mind that is perceived by the fact that only 4 out of 10 have already booked a trip, while for the remainder it remains for now only an intention. Six out of 10 Italians, in fact, say they are concerned about the consequences of inflation and expensive energy.

holidays 2022

Serenity, relaxation and rest: you can’t give up on holidays

The sea tops the ranking

The sea, the beach, the heat remain the favorite destinations. They follow the mountain and cultural experience in the city and places of art that include small villages.

The preference for the destinations nationality 85%. But unlike the other years increases the number of people he chooses travel abroad15%, and more than two thirds of these, will be in Europe.

Holidays: how much will you spend

For the vacation of 7 days or more, the expenditure declared by the respondents is on average 1,080 euros. This figure is reduced to just over 600 euros for shorter holidays, such as long weekends or in any case in a range that goes from 3 to 7 days.

The type of accommodation chosen also changes, which highlights how fears about the pandemic have diminished. In fact, 31% will go to a hotel and 21% to rented houses, the exact opposite of last year.

It reappears therefore, with great pleasure for hoteliers, attention to comfort and servicewhich in a tourist accommodation facility is usually at the center of the offer.

The excellent forecasts for the summer

And so the tourismfinally, is returning to pre-Covid levels, after two years of profound crisis. And the prospects for the summer are very positive. Concern for war, inflation and expensive energy remains, but it translates more into waiting to bookrather than completely canceling the idea of ​​leaving.

