Exam history HAVO and VWO: ‘Learning about the present thanks to history’ | Inland


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Ilse Pansier, teacher Inno de Veen, Mees Vetter, Benjamin de Koning, teacher Jan ter Elst and Adme Hokojoku (left to right).

Ilse Pansier, teacher Inno de Veen, Mees Vetter, Benjamin de Koning, teacher Jan ter Elst and Adme Hokojoku (left to right).

bussum – Learn about current affairs thanks to the history exam. That seems like a contradiction, but according to the havo and vwo students of the Vitus College in Bussum, who had the exam on the agenda on Monday, it is actually very logical. “Everything that is happening in the world now is easier to understand if you know the history.”
