SBS 6 leaves fallen TV star Frank Jansen out in the cold

Despite frantic efforts, Frank Jansen is unable to revive his TV career. SBS 6 expressed interest in a reality soap starring him, but withdrew anyway.

© William Rutten

Frank Jansen’s dream to become a TV presenter came true in 2018, when SBS 6 gave him the green light to make the program Paleis voor een Prikkie together with his then husband Rogier Smit. The two switched to RTL at the end of 2019, but soon after they ended up in a marriage crisis.

Frank from the fire

Frank and Rogier fought their quarrel so ugly in the media that they single-handedly destroyed their TV career. In the meantime, Rogier seems to have more or less fallen into disrepair and Frank is desperately looking for a new job. For a moment, his TV comeback seemed a fact when his French villa burned down in August and SBS 6 knocked on his door.

The fallen TV personality tells the Weekend: “SBS 6 wanted to make Frank Uit De Brand, a series. They brought it themselves. I went to them and talked. They had Marijke Schaaphok as a producer who thought it would be good to make. She had written a whole storyline.”

Dutch celebrities party

It had to be a real French celebrity party. “I had a role in mind for Emile Roemer’s daughter, because she lives with a friend of mine nearby, who would help me. Catherine Keyl would come to stay and medium Liesbeth van Dijk would drive away the evil spirits. We had come up with all sorts of nonsense.”

And then it didn’t work. “Marijke Schaaphok had written it really nicely, I can’t say anything else. She wanted to make it a six-part series. But then SBS 6 openly said no. Maybe they thought it was a bit much. It was supposed to be my comeback on television.”


Too bad, but it’s no different, concludes Frank. “I would have loved to make that series.”

It seems that Frank can push a restart of his TV career on his stomach, because RTL does not feel like a TV personality with an image problem.
