CBS: not even half of the Dutch people exercise enough | 1Limburg

Nearly half of the Dutch population aged 4 and above, 47 percent, exercised enough last year, according to Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

This group complied with the Health Council’s exercise guidelines.

According to these recommendations, adults should have at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, such as walking, cycling and swimming. Children should exercise for at least an hour every day. Muscle and bone-strengthening activities such as athletics, soccer, and dancing are also recommended for both groups.

Little progress
There is little progress in the motivation of the Dutch to move, according to a comparison with previous years. However, more children aged 4 to 12 and people aged 75 or older started to exercise sufficiently last year. Children up to the age of 12 played outside more often and also walked to school more often. The seniors went for a walk more often.

Less movement than previous years
In 2021, at 48 percent, 18 to 65-year-olds met the exercise guidelines less well than in the period from 2018 to 2020. At that time, it was 50 to 56 percent. Especially up to the age of 35 people cycled less.

Link with corona is difficult to make
The statistical office conducted a health survey and drew up a lifestyle monitor in collaboration with the RIVM health institute. It is difficult to say to what extent it all has to do with corona. People were asked about their behavior in a ‘normal’ week, but a normal week was a changing concept in corona time.

Many people seemed to go for a walk, but gyms were often closed and it was often not allowed to exercise in groups.
