Five farmers, six kisses: Cupid is working overtime in ‘Boer seeks Woman’ | TV

TVSunday evening it became clear what potato farmer Kim wanted to tell Dina after his romantic trip with Ginny in ‘Farmer seeks wife’. In the previous episode we already got to see how Kim called Dina after an outing with Ginny and that didn’t bode well. Tonight, viewers finally got to know how the fork really worked. “It’s not what I expected. It was a romantic weekend and we had to make something beautiful out of it, but I couldn’t enjoy it 100% because I had doubts in my head,” Kim confesses.

The day after their romantic trip, potato farmer Kim visited Ginny to tell her he had some doubts. He then contacted Emi again. When Kim and Dina have an appointment a few weeks later, the presenter is already curious how the conversation between Emi and Kim went. Dina is therefore surprised when she sees them together. “It was very difficult and it’s a shame that I only realized afterwards that I was in love with Emi,” Kim admits. “But I really didn’t realize it and unfortunately I can’t turn it back. But Emi is the woman of my life… right now anyway!” he adds with a laugh.

(Read more below the video.)

The other farmers also have a problem. After much hesitation, Cyriel finally managed to open up to Els. Their love was also sealed tonight with a kiss. “I am very happy and happy with the outcome. It’s an ending I didn’t dare dream of,” Cyriel beams. On a bridge in the center of Bruges, spontaneous Elien and her tough Lorenz also had their first kiss. “I am very happy that we are now together. I hope we can keep it up and make something beautiful out of it”, says Elien.


William and Amber also grew closer in Limburg. After three full days, they concluded the last day with a romantic boat trip. Amber had feelings for William pretty quickly and they turn out to be mutual. “I feel very happy right now, for sure. I’m curious how this will evolve in the future,” says William. Garry and Els sealed their love earlier with a first kiss in the goat shed. Both have experienced many difficult moments in the past, but now they finally dare to admit emotions again. After a long time, both Garry and Els are madly in love again.

(Read more below the photo.)

Next Sunday, on May 22, Dina will bring the five farmers back after seven months in the final episode of this season. The five remaining candidates also look back on this special adventure. In this reunion it also becomes clear which of the farmers has found true love.


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