Beernem and Campro take West Flemish futsal cup

Beernem and Campro take West Flemish futsal cup

Against the women of Always Staden, Ladies Beernem first falls behind 0-2. Just before half time, De Neve softens to 1-2.

Just before half time, De Neve manages to soften to 1-2. In the second half De Neve equalized again, but Staden immediately reacted with a goal from Verlae: 2-3. Still, Anneleen De Neve manages to score a third goal.

Overtime is inconclusive and penalty kicks must determine a winner. Kimberly Ramande converts the decisive penalty and gives her team the cup.

Campro Gistel faced Plakkers Varsenare. The signs are equal to the break after Vanthomme erases the 0-1 lead of Plakker Demeulemeester.

When the men from Varsenare avoid 1-3 thanks to two more goals from Demeulemeester, Campro faces a difficult task. Yet Joren Durand turns the tide and makes it 3-3 with a free kick.

Varsenare seems to win the match with a beautiful shot from Moss, but in the very last second an own goal brings Campro alongside again.

Just like with the women, there will be extra time in the men’s final. Vanhaeren scores the winning goal from the penalty spot. Campro is the West Flemish cup winner among the men.
