The Netherlands is waiting for the first summer day of the year: tomorrow 28 degrees locally | Inland

The beautiful weather is due to a high pressure area that is located exactly above the Netherlands, Weerplaza reports. As a result, there is hardly any wind and the sun shines brightly. This afternoon the temperature varies from 19 degrees on Texel to 24 degrees in the interior. In North Brabant and Limburg it can even get a degree warmer. Here and there cumulus clouds can form, but they do not affect the sunny weather.

It is the harbinger of an even warmer Sunday. Then the high pressure area moves further north, causing a warm easterly wind to blow. In the middle, south and east of the country it will therefore be 25 to 28 degrees. Even in De Bilt it can be over 25 degrees. Then the first official summer day of the year would be a fact.

The rest of the week is also looking good. On Monday, more clouds will move over the country from the southwest and the chance of a shower increases. “That temporarily provides some cooling,” says Roosmarijn Knol of Weerplaza. ,,But the following days the temperature returns to a comparable level. So the summer weather will continue for the time being.”
