Prince William left the formalities and hugged a crying man on the street

Prince William and Duchess Catherine want to be approachable, says the British media.

Glasgow saw a touching moment as Prince William hugged a local man. aop

Prince William and Duchess Catherine recently visited Scotland, where they became acquainted with charities, among others.

The couple were seen in the city of Glasgow exploring an area where housing for the poor is being built. The streets were flooded with eager citizens who wanted to see a glimpse of the royals. William and Catherine greeted crowds on the street when a 66-year-old man named William Burns.

Usually royals are greeted by bowing or kneeling, but this time the formalities remained: William and Mr. Burns gave each other a warm hug. The man seemed moved by the situation and burst into tears.

William admired the drawing of the little girl on the premises of the Wheatley Group construction company. The company offers affordable housing for the poor. aop

The old rule is not to touch the royals, but it is not an official order. William and Catherine are believed to want to give an easily approachable picture of themselves. Daily Mail magazine compares William’s use to the warm-hearted nature of his late mother, Princess Diana.

MirrorAccording to the newspaper, the future ruling couple is considering introducing new ways that they would not have to be invited to royal titles and would not be required to bow or rant at meetings.

William and Catherine also visited a school in Glasgow where they were seen having fun with young students. They attended a lesson in which empathy skills were practiced.

The Duchess visited St. John’s Primary School in Glasgow. aop

Duchess Catherine empathized with the empathy exercises. aop

William sat casually on the floor among the students. aop

William inherits the crown after his father, Prince Charles. aop
