Legs and arms: the most innovative firming treatments

THEn the approach of summer, the desire to wear a low-cut and sleeveless dress – like the last one sported by Queen of Spain Letizia Ortiz, sculptural in green sleeveless – takes over any hesitation. Yet, after a certain age, despite hours in the gym and even daily massages, the inside of the arms tends to give wayso much so that it is used to define this imperfection “Bat wings”.

The same goes for the inner thigh and the belly, but with a less important impact as these areas remain mostly covered (except on the beach). What can be done? Here are the most innovative toning treatments.

Low toned arms, the most innovative treatments

There skin laxity is the most visible sign of skin aging and determines a progressive tissue failure. The causes can be of a genetic, metabolic and hormonal nature, and cause a slowdown in the metabolism of fibroblasts that they produce less collagen and elastin fibers with an increasingly delayed cell turnover.

The sculpted arms of the Queen of Spain Letizia Ortiz, on an official visit on May 12, 2022 (Getty Images)

Finally the decrease of hyaluronic acid the situation further worsens, with a consistent loss of tissue hydration. Hence skin sagging is a complicated and inescapable condition that requires a complex series of actions including physical activity, a balanced diet and a lifestyle that does not include smoking, excess alcohol and sun exposure without adequate protection.

If all this is not enough to solve or mitigate the problem, you can resort to aesthetic medicine, which in recent years has made great strides also as regards the most delicate areas of the body.

Inside the arms, a specific biostimulation filler arrives

This is the case of nIbsa hyaluronic acid egg filler, a hybrid form supported by clinical studies that have validated its effect on mild to moderate laxity.

Jennifer Lopez, training to have sculpted arms and abs is exhausting

Jennifer Lopez, training to have sculpted arms and abs is exhausting

Added to this is the creation of the photographic scale of the imperfection dedicated right inside the arms: the useful tool for the doctor-patient dialogue to better understand a what level of laxity can your inner arms match (from 1 to 5) and then explore the possibilities.

“In evaluating the type of treatment to do, one of the most important things is to calibrate the expectation correctly,” he explains Antonello Tateo, specialist in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.

“Profhilo of Ibsa is an innovative patent that derives from a new declination of hyaluronic acid gels capable of revolutionizing the simple concept of filler or biorevitalizer “continues the expert. «With the new specific treatment for the body we can meet patients’ expectations by effectively improving skin quality ».

How does biostimulation work on the inside of the arms

L’bio-modeling action derives from the specific characteristics of the molecular structure of this cohesive gelable to spread into the dermis and the supporting connective tissue, resisting the aggression of endogenous enzymes for a long time.

The uniform penetration into the tissues it produces hydration and structural reinforcement to which is added the long-term regenerative effect, thanks to the constant and prolonged biological stimulation. The recall, one month later, stabilizes the results. Laxity, therefore, is reduced not only due to the mechanical effect of dermal thickening but above all as a consequence of a qualitative improvement of the tissues.

The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, without anesthesia. The technique only provides ten injections for each area which doctor and patient have decided to undergo therapy. Once the needle is inserted into the skin, yes releases the product in the deepest layer of the dermis, at the junction with the adipose tissue of the subcutis. Profhilo Body it is included in a kit with two cosmetic products that complete the treatment.

Once the injection treatment is finished, the doctor applies a patch with the intent to soothe and moisturize the skin. At home, then, she will have to apply Profhilo Figura Body Reshaping Creamwhich thanks to its active ingredients will help maintain and improve results over time.

The protocol provides for two sessions like the one described, to be carried out at a distance of thirty days from each other.

Does it also work for the inner thigh?

«Naturally, the first indications on the body concerned the areas of greatest impact and widespread demand which the inside of the arms or the periumbilical area, but gradually other areas of possible application emerged. The inside of the thigh or the skin above the knee arrived accordingly.

Endosphères Erapy: toning and anti-cellulite treatment

A’modeling and biorevitalization action it also comes from treatments carried out by machinery that use methods and tools specifically designed to reach the most difficult parts of the body to manipulate.

Endosphères Erapy, for example, it acts on several levels, stimulating cell regeneration and going to act on the imperfections.

Visible results from the first session

This is un painless treatment with visible results from the first session, thanks to the patented method of compressive Microvibration that stimulates and activates the whole figure. «The compressive Microvibration method in fact allows the activation of muscle myofibrils immediately improving tone and elasticitywith immediate and long-lasting effects.

So also the arms, like legs will be more toned” tells Cinzia Baroncini, Endosphères Beauty Specialist.

The treatment is capable of fight cellulite and skin sagging of the inner armsthanks to its five synergistic actions (vascular, draining, muscular, analgesic and remodeling) and the ergonomic shape of the handpiece. So already in one sessionwith the oscillatory action of the spheres and the pulsed and rhythmic vibrations, we have a draining action, reduction of the orange peel, smoothing of the tissues and remodeling and consequent lifting of the sagging skin.

