That much was outbid on average on a house in Zoetermeer in 2021

You view a house in Zoetermeer and are immediately sold! Enthusiastically you make an offer, but unfortunately: someone else offers more. Overbidding seems to be part of this time. How much higher is the average transaction price of a house in Zoetermeer?

Statistics Netherlands investigated how much was overbid on average in 2021. In other words: how much the asking price deviated from the transaction price.

Nationally, three quarters of the homes were sold above the asking price. This differs a lot from 2020: when 38 percent of all homes sold for more than the asking price.

The norm of overbidding in the Netherlands

Not only are people bidding more often, but the overbid amount is also higher. In 2021, the transaction price in seventeen municipalities was on average 10 percent or more above the asking price. This has never happened before in so many municipalities.

Outbid in Zoetermeer

In 2021, Zoetermeer was also often outbid. According to CBS figures, an average of 8.6 percent of the cases were outbid in our city. This meant that with an asking price of 350,000 euros, about 30,000 euros was outbid. The figures for 2022 are of course not yet known, but we bet that this percentage could be higher this year.

With an average equity value of 8.6 percent, Zoetermeer is one of the frontrunners in our province. In Lansingerland, an average of 3.4 percent was overbid, in The Hague 5.8 percent, in Delft 5.3 percent and in Wassenaar even an average of one percent was underbid.

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For sale less long

Home seekers also run into another problem: according to the CBS, homes were for sale for much less time in 2021. Nationally, in 2021, on average, a house would leave within less than four months. That may sound quite long, but the entire process has been taken into account. So also the time between a purchase agreement and a registered transfer at the notary.

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