Friday the thirteenth: you don’t have to avoid black cats and ladders | Stories behind the news

Although we collectively feign sobriety in the Netherlands, observant people will notice that in the vast majority of cases the number 13 is missing on elevator buttons in hotels, companies and offices. Eleventh floor, twelfth, he… fourteenth? The origin of all the fuss about Friday the thirteenth lies in Christianity.


According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on a Friday. At the Last Supper before his crucifixion, 13 disciples were present. The thirteenth guest at the table was Judas, who betrayed Jesus. For this reason, Friday is an unlucky day in any case and if it coincides with the thirteenth of the month, you should therefore put yourself out there!

The unlucky person used to be doomed when a mirror was broken. Because – according to an ancient wisdom – your soul is reflected in the glass. Your soul would also break with the mirror. Ouch! Later this calamity was adjusted to seven years of misfortune. Better… although it will still be scary if this happens on Friday the 13th. Double accident!

A ladder against the wall

A ladder against a wall forms a triangle with the floor. A symbol of Holy Trinity. Walking under it shows disrespect, which will be punished! And when this happens on Friday the 13th you are completely sour, that goes without saying.

Yet there are also people who consciously look up the number 13. Correct on a Friday! Witches anyway. But also in the tattoo scene, for example, 13 is a lucky number. lucky 13. Not infrequently you see tattoo lovers with the number 13 on their body.

black cats

This is with the intention that ‘The Accident’ will recognize the number 13 in passing and will assume that the person in question will have his share. bad luck has already had. Evil will then continue on its way, looking for a possible next victim. Superstitions are of all times and you do not have to avoid black cats. Unless you have a white couch…
