ROUNDUP/Sunday question: Union’s lead over SPD in the federal government increased

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – If there were a federal election next Sunday, according to polls, the Union would be the strongest force and be more clearly ahead of the SPD than before. In the Sunday survey by the opinion research institute Yougov, 28 percent of those surveyed who were entitled to vote stated that they would vote for the CDU or CSU. This is two percentage points more than in the two previous months, as Yougov announced on Thursday. The SPD of Chancellor Olaf Scholz would therefore vote for 20 percent (21 percent in the previous month).

According to the YouGov poll, the Greens received 19 percent of the vote (18 percent in the previous month). 10 percent of those entitled to vote would vote for the AfD (12 percent in the previous month). The FDP would remain unchanged at 9 percent, the left would come to 5 percent (6 percent in the previous month).

In the Germany trend of the ARD “Morgenmagazin”, the SPD and the Union are somewhat closer together. The Social Democrats come to 22 percent in the survey – and would be the second strongest force behind the Union, which comes to 26 percent. While the SPD loses two points compared to the “Germany trend” from the end of April, the Union remains unchanged. But the Greens gain two points and come to 20 percent. According to the Infratest dimap survey, 11 percent of those surveyed would choose the AfD, and 8 percent would choose the FDP. The left would get 4 percent./trö/DP/he
