Sectors of the CNI believe that Sánchez benefits the ERC to save himself

“The political language is designed, and this, with variations, is true for all political partiesfrom conservatives to anarchists, to make lies ring true and to give a solid appearance to what is pure air & rdquor ;. George Orwell, 1946.

Everything that has been said and explained by the Government about the wiretapping to 63 pro-independence leaders, the 18 interventions with the authorization of the judge of the Supreme Court paul luke and the punctures of the cell phones of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchezfrom the minister Margaret Oaks and the minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska It enters into the political language designed, according to Orwell, to “give an appearance of solidity to what is pure air & rdquor ;.

But “that pure air & rdquor; cannot dispel a fact: the director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), Peace Stephenhas been dismissed.

And it has not been a peaceful defenestration. Because, of course, it could happen that the parties in litigation reach an agreement and a waiver is agreed that, with the passage of time, once the hot momentis explained later in books or interviews.

prepare the exit

But how is he going to resign?Peace Stephen– Who thinks it is irresponsible that the phones of the president and the ministers were ‘hacked’?

Therefore, the operation that mixed the punctures in series had a goal: prepare an exit. In politics, in specific cases such as the one under examination, although it sometimes appears otherwise, there are no no-win situations.

And this has been the defenestration -substitution, according to Margaret Oaks; payment of the invoice of their punctured telephones, according to Pedro Sanchez– of Paz Esteban.

Of course it has been a tribute to independence. Of course, Sánchez wants to ensure his legislature, that is, guarantee that his government will not fall. But this is natural. Or does he not want Alberto Nunez Feijoowho has just landed, the fall of Sánchez and take his place in Moncloa?

In line with the Supreme

The sectors of the CNI opposed to the Government have revived the famous cannon shot of Manuel Marchenarapporteur, and the magistrates of the Second Chamber of the supreme court who with him issued the non-binding report, in May 2021, contrary to the partial pardons of the independence leaders.

The report stated: “The Chamber agrees with the idea that the purpose of article 102 of the Constitution is none other than to prevent measures of self pardon”.

self pardon

That is to say: Pedro Sánchez and his Government, which, by the way, through the State Attorney’s Office, have achieved convictions for sedition crimeThey are forgiving themselves.

What crime was he pardoning himself?

“From the singular perspective offered by the present case in which some of those who aspire to the benefit of the grace right they are precisely political leaders of the parties that, today, guarantee the stability of the Government called to exercise the right of grace & rdquor ;.

Come on, they didn’t want to customize because the only game that guarantees that stability is… CKD.


And now, sectors of the CNI point out, instead of self-pardon, the Sanchez’s self-rescue with the defenestration of Paz Esteban.

But that defenestration is a part of reality, because we must include the elevation of hope casteleiro to the position of director of the CNI.

And that, according to informed sources, has not been an impromptu choice given the opportunity to hand over the head of Peace Stephen to the spied independence movement.

Casteleiro supposes the appointment of “one of ours” at the head of the intelligence service. Why? Because although she has been a spy for La Casa since 1983, she was appointed in 2004 as number two of the CNI -general secretary- by the Government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapateroand because later he has passed through the chief of staff of Margaret Oaks and then, from July 2020, by the Government of Pedro Sanchezas Secretary of State for Defense.

of the house

But, at the same time, he is also “one of yours & rdquor ;, that is, from the CNI. Not only for having belonged to Homebut because of their personal characteristics. His father, the air colonel Antonio Casteleiro Naveiras was awarded on January 5, 1974 with the Cross of Naval Merit by the Minister of the Navy, Gabriel Pita da Veiga.

“That’s what the CNI has. In general, admission to the service takes place by family and military connections. The case of Esperanza, like that of Paz Esteban, among others, follows the same pattern & rdquor ;, indicates a source who knows the trajectory of the new general director.

But Pedro Sanchez He has already made other similar appointments. It is the case of Fernando Grande-Marlaska, whom he considered a potential candidate for mayor of Madrid, an idea that he rejected but that did not prevent him from becoming Minister of the Interior. His proximity to the PP, which boosted him to the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), is not exactly a state secret.

Will there be red lines?

The reaction of sectors of the intelligence service against the dismissal of Peace Stephen, that is, defensively, is quite logical. Because the arrival of a former Secretary of State for Defense unleashes nervousness.

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What if it is a first step to redraw boundaries or establish Red lines?

“If there is a reform that this crisis has put on the table, it is that the CNI’s relationship with the Supreme Court magistrate to process his harsh proposals –tickets and records either telephone interventions– cannot continue to be the pairing it has been until now. That magistrate should not be renewed after five years and, furthermore, the fiscal Ministery He also has to intervene and provide his opinion on the authorizations requested by the intelligence center & rdquor ;, says a magistrate consulted.
