Nearly 1000 homes instead of mega warehouse in Limmel | 1Limburg

Not a mega warehouse, but almost 1000 homes are to be built on the Tregaterrein and Zinkwitterrein in Maastricht. The Municipality of Maastricht will further develop this plan after consultation with other stakeholders.

About 600 homes are to be built on the Tregaterrein in the Limmel district. The Zinkwitterrein is also being developed, which is to yield another 350 homes. In addition, small-scale industrial plots should be built on about 3 hectares. The plan is also to better connect Limmel with the city and the Maas.

mega shed
Last summer, the residents of the Maastricht neighborhood took action against the plan for a mega warehouse next to their neighbourhood. Entrepreneur Rien Leeijen from Beringe had submitted a permit application to the municipality of Maastricht. A city hub should be built on the Trega site, where the Sphinx tile factory used to be, a transfer station towards the city center. So that’s out of the way now. The permit application for the construction of the large warehouse will remain in place until 2023.

Also read: Hundreds at protest against distribution center Limmel

Criticism and protest
In a conversation with L1, Leeijen said in September that he was very shocked by the criticism and protest of the residents of Limmel against his plan to build a 200-metre-long mega warehouse in the district. “I did not expect that there would be so much criticism. I did not see that commotion.” The entrepreneur then said that he would never have bought the plot of land with his current knowledge. “I’m not waiting for this.”

Alternative plans
In the intervening months, Leeijen entered into discussions with the municipality and the neighborhood network about his plans for the site. The entrepreneur did say at the time that placing a shed would be very difficult and that he wanted to discuss alternative plans with housing. “It must be financially feasible,” said Leeijen in September.

Also read: Businessman Leeijen: ‘Don’t think that mega warehouse Limmel will come’
