Police top receives strong criticism in parliamentary debate about ‘sick working atmosphere’ at the National Unit

On Wednesday, a large number of parties strongly criticized the leadership of the National Police in the House of Representatives. Spokespersons for PVV, SP, D66 and VVD showed that they had no confidence in the police leadership’s ability to ensure a safe working environment at the National Unit (LE) of the police.

On Wednesday, parliament debated a number of independent investigations into the functioning of the National Unit, which employs 6,000 officers. Three officers have committed suicide in the past two years. The incidents were work-related. Officers complain about a “disturbed work atmosphere”.

Also read: Parents on suicide: ‘Executives pushed him to the loop’

Leadership culture under the microscope

Minister Dilan Yesilgöz (Justice and Security, VVD) said that a committee headed by former mayor Bernt Schneiders will at least “actively monitor” the leadership culture at the National Police in the coming year. Schneiders, who will complete an investigation into problems in the LE next month, will report on his findings on a semi-annual basis. According to the minister, the committee will “continue to hold discussions with stakeholders within and outside the police”. MPs Lilian Helder (PVV) and Michiel van Nispen (SP) discussed putting the police force under guardianship.

Helder said from a report sent to the House on Tuesday of an independent investigation that the Frisian mayor Oebele Brouwer conducted into the suicide of a 53-year-old officer last August, that he understood that for the police top “truth-finding is considered less important than possible reputational damage.” ”. Relatives were warned by the police not to talk to the press. Helder pointed out that Brouwer found that investigation into the suicide was made more difficult because “evidence has been destroyed”. Information on the service telephone appeared to have been completely erased. “This must not remain without consequences,” says Helder.

‘Error stacked on error’

Also read the research story The Hidden Despair of Agent M.

According to Van Nispen, the leadership of the LE tried to “cover up matters” associated with the suicides. He demands a truly independent investigation into the ‘first suicide’ at the LE, that of 31-year-old agent Mike Versteege, who took his own life in December 2019. The minister said that Oebele Brouwer will also investigate this incident. The investigation will have “no restrictions” and, according to the minister, will be carried out “in total independence”.

Member of Parliament Hanneke van der Werf (D66) expressed great doubts that the current police leadership “has piled error upon error” will still be able to effect the necessary changes. Van der Werf said he was “despondent” at the lack of self-insight at the top of the police. Member of Parliament Ingrid Michon-Derkzen (VVD) called the settlement of incidents by the police top “shameful”. The coalition parties CDA and CU did not participate in the parliamentary debate.

The boss of the police, chief of police Henk van Essen, did not attend the parliamentary debate. He was due to return from Morocco later Wednesday where he spoke with colleagues about intensifying cooperation in the fight against international crime and terrorism.
