The other woman in the crime of Esther López

A woman knows something about the death of Esther Lopez, the young woman whose body was found in a ditch near Traspinedo (Valladolid) on February 5. That is what the Civil Guard investigators think and that is what DNA analysis reveals carried out in the central laboratory of Criminalistics, as CASO ABIERTO has learned, the investigation and events channel of Prensa Ibérica.

The researchers had rescued DNA from inside the trunk of the car Óscar, family friend and main investigator if. That genetic imprint, on the rubber in the trunk, is very important because it was mixed with that of two other people: one of them is Esther, the victim; another is from Óscar, the suspect; and the last one corresponded to “a third party”, according to the judge. Well, third is third. Analysis of that DNA sample has revealed that that third person is a woman.

Óscar has not been able to explain how Esther López’s genetic footprint got inside the trunk of his car, much less mixed with his own and with another person’s. His version is that he and Esther went out to a party with a friend, Carolo, whom they both left near her house and that, shortly before three in the morning, she got out of her car and left. it was walking Neither Óscar, nor Carolo nor other witnesses speak of the participation of another woman in that nocturnal meeting.

bleach or ammonia

The problem is that the DNA sample recovered from the trunk of his car shows “a huge state of disrepair” according to the sources of the case consulted by OPEN CASE, which point to the possibility that he had been “subjected to chemicals such as bleach or ammonia“. “The trunk of a car is an ideal place to look for biological samples because it keeps them for a long time”, underline the sources consulted, “everything indicates that chemical products have been used here”.

The Civil Guard has already discovered that, the day after the disappearance of Esther López, on January 13, Óscar he washed his car for 17 minutesbased on the position of your mobile phone and images from a nearby security camera.

human saliva

In the same trunk of Óscar’s car, the Civil Guard also found a saliva sample. That small biological footprint would indicate, according to the investigators, that a body was lying on the carpet in the trunk, but it could not be identified, as DNA could not be extracted from it.

The Criminalistics experts of the Civil Guard continue to work with the almost 500 samples collected from the house and the suspect’s car, especially with the traces of blood found on the sofa in the house and the pool house.

He didn’t fall into the pool

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As for the swimming pool, which was empty on the date of Esther’s death, it has been compared the painting of the tiles with traces of blue paint found in the victim’s body, with a negative result, which rules out that the woman suffered an accident in the pool of her neighbor’s house. “That possibility has been closed with laboratory tests,” explain the sources consulted.

The Civil Guard reports do leave open the participation of third parties in Esther’s death or, at least, in the transfer of her body from the place where she was run over to the ditch where she was found 23 days later. The DNA evidence found in the trunk opens the possibility that this person is a woman.
