Amsterdam Reguliersdwarsstraat celebrates Eurovision Song Contest during three-day ‘catch-up party’

The rainbow flags are already out, a 30 meter long catwalk is being built and the stage is starting to take shape: preparations for the ‘Eurovision street party’ on Reguliersdwarsstraat are in full swing. From Thursday, the Eurovision Song Contest will be celebrated here after two years. “Finally we are allowed again”, says Edward Koning, chairman of BIZ Reguliersdwarsstraat.

The shows in Turin are broadcast on big screens and there is all kinds of ‘Eurovision entertainment.’ “Because a lot of people from the queer community, from the rainbow family as I always say it myself, are a real fan of the Eurovision song contest and have been living for it for months, so it is in that regard spot on for the target group. It’s a chance for us to embrace our audience again.”

To cope with the crowds, the street is closed on both sides. You can only enter the Reguliers with a ticket. The party starts on Thursday at 4 pm and lasts until the final of the Eurovision Song Contest.
