Rospotrebnadzor allowed the impact of COVID during pregnancy on the child’s IQ

Photo: Mikhail Tereshchenko / TASS

If a pregnant woman has not been vaccinated against coronavirus and has had COVID-19, then her child’s IQ will be 20% lower, Alexander Gorelov, Deputy Director for Research at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, said at a press conference dedicated to the year since the start of mass vaccination against COVID-19 in Russia. Broadcast of the event led “News”.

“A pediatric article was published, it was shown that if a pregnant woman is not vaccinated, she carries COVID-19, observation of children shows that IQ is 20% lower, the pace of mental and physical development slows down,” the expert said.

According to him, these are the input data, but if you work with a child, you can catch up with the backlog.

The Ministry of Health called the timing of pregnancy planning after vaccination

Photo: Sergey Ilnitsky / EPA / TASS

In early December last year, the Ministry of Health recalled the importance of vaccination against coronavirus for pregnant women. According to the chief freelance specialist in obstetrics, Professor Roman Shmakov, it is vaccination that can reduce the risk of infection and avoid severe complications of COVID-19 in both the mother and the child.

The specialist advised to be vaccinated in advance, at the stage of pregnancy planning. If it was not possible to take root during this period, then the optimal time for vaccination is after 22 weeks of pregnancy, he said. It is especially important to be vaccinated for women at risk: those with cardiovascular, oncological diseases, chronic diseases of the lungs, liver or kidneys, as well as those suffering from obesity or diabetes, Shmakov noted.



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