Another Russian oligarch dies in bizarre circumstances | Abroad

The official explanation for the death of the 43-year-old Russian is that he had sought advice from two shamans because he wanted to cure a hangover. The shamans would then have made an incision in his skin and dripped poison from a frog in it. After throwing up, the man would have felt better. But not much later, Subbotin had a heart attack after which he died.

Subbotin is not the first prominent Russian to die in recent weeks. Several billionaires as well as executives of the state-owned company Gazprom have died since Russia invaded Ukraine. In several cases, not only the oligarchs themselves died, but also their wives and children. According to official reports, the men would kill their wives and children and then take their own lives. Although it is also claimed by many sources that these suicides were staged.

It is striking that the men would never have made openly critical remarks about the Russian invasion. The oligarchs were also not on sanctions lists.

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