Financial support restructuring shopping areas | news item

News item | 09-05-2022 | 12:45

From 9 May to 30 May 2022, Dutch municipalities can apply for financial support to make shopping areas attractive again for both residents and visitors. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is making a total of €22 million available for this round to tackle public space and buildings in an area completely and simultaneously, for example through renovation or new construction.

Minister Micky Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate): “The retail trade in shopping areas is under constant pressure due to online shopping. The image of shopping streets with empty buildings is no longer an exception. Vacancy can in turn lead to the deterioration of shopping areas. There is no such thing as good shopping anymore. Inner cities are thus becoming less liveable and less attractive. That is a development that we want to combat, and that is why we are going to tackle it with the Impulse Approach for Shopping Areas, which will benefit entrepreneurs, residents and visitors.”

With the Impulse Approach Shopping Areas programme, for which the cabinet earmarked a total of €100 million last year, the national government is encouraging (parts of) inner-city shopping areas to be transformed into future-proof areas with a solid, social and economic base. Part of the Impulse Approach Shopping Areas program is the Regulation specific benefit Impulse approach to shopping areas. With this scheme, municipalities can apply for a financial contribution to tackle parts of their shopping area in an area-oriented manner. The money is intended for, for example, renovation, demolition or new construction or the construction of public facilities in the project area.

Specific payment scheme Impulse approach to shopping areas

With this first round of opening with the Specific payment scheme Impulse approach to shopping areas €22 million in financial resources available. Municipalities that wish to claim financial support can submit a project plan aimed at restructuring and transforming shopping areas. An important condition is that municipalities and private investors enter into a partnership. By tackling both the public space and buildings in an area completely and simultaneously, we arrive at a vital and future-proof area where it is pleasant to live in. The total budget for this scheme is €100 million and will be divided over 4 submission periods. The scheme is implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). RVO assesses whether the application is complete and fits within the framework. An Advisory Committee of independent experts assesses the content of the projects on the basis of predetermined criteria and draws up a ranking on. The scheme is open from 9 May 2022 09:00 to 30 May 2022 12:00.

To file a request

One submit an application for the Impulse Approach Shopping Areas can be found on the website of the RVO.
