Kuurnebrug raised early next year

Kuurnebrug raised early next year

This is apparent from the answer to a parliamentary question from Flemish Member of Parliament Bert Maertens (N-VA) to the Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters (Open Vld).

The current Kuurne Bridge over the Leie between Harelbeke and Kuurne is half a meter too low for ships that want to pass with containers stacked up to three layers high. Because the bridge is still in good condition, De Vlaamse Waterweg will preserve the bridge in its entirety and raise it slightly.

Works last one year

“At the moment a technical design proposal is being finalized in consultation with the local authorities of Kuurne and Harelbeke. The preparation of the environmental permit application and the tender file are also underway. The Flemish Waterway wants to complete these matters this year. This means that the implementation on the site can start at the beginning of 2023 at the latest. The works on the bridge will take one year. The budget for the raising and renovation of the Kuurnebrug is currently estimated at 2,372,450 euros,” says Bert Maertens.

N-VA Harelbeke is delighted

In addition to raising the bridge and adapting the ramps, the reconstruction of the Vlasstraat on the territory of Harelbeke is also part of the project. In addition, sewerage works are also carried out by Fluvius. The city of Harelbeke and the grid operator are jointly responsible for the financing.

N-VA Harelbeke is satisfied with this investment and the additional landscaping. Councilor Wout Patyn clarifies: “Bicycle safety in particular will improve because the City of Harelbeke uses the works to invest in it. It remains a pity, however, that no new bridge can be built, but budgetary reasons will be the basis for this.”
