Manuel Bortuzzo: accident and recovery in the Rai Rinascere film

Llifetime of Manuel Bortuzzohit by a bullet by mistake one evening in February 2019, is told in the TV movie Born again (tonight on Rai 1 at 21.25). To interpret the 19 year old boy who suddenly found himself in a hospital in Rome without moving his legs anymore, he is the very good Giancarlo Commarealready known in the teen series Skam.

Manuel Bortuzzo stands up and moves everyone to Gf ​​Vip

The idea starts from the namesake book by Bortuzzo that he wrote immediately after the accident. Here the athlete tells of that terrible evening and how he faced, thanks to the love of his family and his willpower, the reappearance to a new life which now projects it towards the Paris Paralympics 2024.

Born again: the plot

A night phone call awake with a start Franco (Alessio Boni), father of Manuel Bortuzzo: the son is in the operating room because he was hit by a bullet. The day before, Manuel was in the pool getting ready for Tokyo 2020 Olympicswith him was his girlfriend Martina (Gea Dall’Olio) and the friends with whom he decides to spend the evening at a party. While she stands in front of the cigarette vending machine two boys on motorcycles shoot him. It is an exchange of person.

From that moment his life was amputated along with his dreams. Manuel is in a hospital bed with a spinal injury that prevents him from moving his legs. He will have to start a new life in a wheelchair and abandon the idea of ​​the Olympics. Will be the friend Alfonso (Salvatore Nicolella)met in the clinic, the family formed by his mother (Francesca Beggio), his father Franco (always by his side), his brother Kevin and Martina to stimulate him to come back to life. It will be a long climb.

reborn manuel bortuzzo rai plot 1 tv movie

Giancarlo Commare and Gea Dall’Olio. (Rai)

The athlete’s dreams collapseManuel detaches himself from his girlfriend and if at first he also rejects the swimming pool, then it will become important for the rehabilitation and to feed new dreams.

Manuel’s strength is disruptive and will even prune him to use automated prostheses that allow him to walk, and who knows, maybe one day he will be able to stand up on his own, as the traumatologist David (Davide Coco). Manuel’s dreams are by no means over.

reborn rai 1 tv movie manuel bortuzzo

Giancarlo Commare, Alessio Boni and Francesca Beggio. (Rai)

Born again does justice to Manuel

Born again follows Manuel’s life and book in detail. «This film gives a perfect image of my son – says his father Franco – I was on the set for 40 days and I saw 70 people who did justice to the story. There is no smudge“.

And Manuel is of the same opinion: “Born again is true to who I was and who I am. Giancarlo has perfectly restored my moods and my essence ». Only the ending of the film Umberto Martino he takes the liberty of predicting a possible path of Manuelm that he has yet to build.

Giancarlo Commare and Alessio Boni. (Rai)

Manuel, the GF and the love for Lulu (finished)

Manuel could not support and meet Giancarlo Commare and the rest of the cast during filming because they were busy in the house of the Big Brother Vip. She has been on the reality show for almost six months and this is where she met Lulu Salassiéwith which he had fallen in love. Upon leaving the GF, the two had announced a life together. The fact is that the dreams broke after a short time. Real life is something else.

Manuel announced on Instagram the end of their storywhich kept millions of viewers glued to the TV: “We understand that significant differences of views between us cannot be overcomeAnd. Unfortunately we tried but it is not possible to continue, from today everyone goes on his way, without rancor ».

