New management plan for residential area De Concessie in De Haan is ready

New management plan for residential area De Concessie in De Haan is ready

In 2011, the municipality of De Haan immediately got hold of the largest revaluation plan in Flanders with a revaluation plan for the townscape of De Concessie. The plan was valid for 10 years, so it had to be replaced.

And now there is a new management plan, better suited to preserve and upgrade the heritage of the residential area. With this new management plan, the municipality will provide a long-term vision for managing De Concessie for the next 24 years. For each valuable building in the village view, a sheet has been made on which the valuable elements have been identified and for which a management vision has been developed. A management plan has also been drawn up for the adjacent village view of Huizenrij Driftweg. (read more below the photo)

“The municipality of De Haan knows that it has a pearl in its hands with the residential area De Concessie. Many tourists like to get lost between the winding avenues with white villas and red roofs. The district was built after the English example with half-timbered elements and roofs. Thanks to the strict regulations, the residential area has retained its own character and has been spared the high-rise rage,” says Minister Matthias Diependaele, Flemish Minister for Immovable Heritage. “That is why it is important to preserve the individuality of the district, and that is possible thanks to a management plan for immovable heritage. With that management plan, there is once again a long-term vision for De Concessie in which the municipality ensures that this beautiful neighborhood is preserved and appreciated.”

Mayor Wilfried Vandaele: “The new management plans indicate where we as a municipality want to go with the immovable heritage and how we will do that. The plans are also a guideline for owners or users of the heritage, to help them with the future maintenance and possible restoration of their property and garden. Because these management plans once again give them the opportunity to apply for a heritage grant.”
