Why you shouldn’t rub wet skin and hair dry

How do you dry off after swimming in an indoor or outdoor pool? Rubbing the skin quickly to warm it up? And dry your hair quickly? Unfortunately, both are harmful.

If you swim and splash a lot in summer, you have to take special care of your hair and skin. Because these are more sensitive than normal when wet.

Instead of rubbing them vigorously with a towel, just gently pat them dry with it.

The “Haut.de” portal, which cooperates with the working group for aesthetic dermatology and cosmetology, recommends this.

The experts also recommend special care for the skin before and after swimming: you should shower off after each session in the pool. Because chlorine is usually added to the water, which can lead to irritation of the skin, scalp and hair if it is exposed to it for a long time.

Shower gel with pH 5.5

It is therefore also helpful to use a shower gel or shower oil with a pH value of 5.5. According to the information, this value corresponds to the natural acid value of the skin.

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Skin cream with urea or glycerin

If you spend a lot of time in the water, you can also apply a thin skin cream with urea or glycerine to protect your skin. These ingredients should provide the skin with the moisture it loses during swimming.

You should also apply lotion at the end of your visit to the bathroom. Light, moisturizing creams, moisturizing lotions with vitamin-rich ingredients and care products with a high proportion of lipids, i.e. fats, are suitable for this.

With dpa
