Shower faucets SV Blerick remain closed due to high gas prices | 1Limburg

After football training no longer shower at the club, but at home. It is a measure that SV Blerick has taken because of the high gas prices.

After matches on the weekend, it is possible to shower in the changing rooms of the club.

Huge price increase
SV Blerick recently had to renew the gas contract, which caused a huge price increase. “Our hard-earned money should not all go to Russian gas. It is not worth it to us. That is why we have informed the members that on weekday training evenings the shower tap remains closed,” explains club president Mike Noldus.

Flat rate
Unlike the club from Blerick, Venlosche Boys allows members to shower at the club. “We want members to have the opportunity to shower after training. Last year we concluded a new contract with a fixed rate for three years, so we are not currently affected by the rising prices. That can be done in two years, If our current contract expires, of course it will be, but who then lives, who takes care of it,” said chairman Tim Versteilen.

In Tegelen, they closely monitor the gas price situation. “Our current contract runs until the end of the year. I don’t expect anything to change there soon. In the run-up to that, we will certainly take measures if necessary. But that is not the case now. In addition, the season is over. is coming to an end and we don’t want to bother our members with this,” explains Bér Vinken of Sportclub Irene.

Other culture
According to board member Marc de Jong, the fact that members of Delta Venlo do not shower after training has nothing to do with rising gas prices. “That has to do with hockey culture. It is something different than with football. Only in the weekends, after a game, is showered here. During the week you hardly see anyone taking a shower after training.”

Despite the other choices, the directors can understand Noldus’ decision. The same goes for most of the members. “We received a negative response from four or five people that they did not understand. But from the other 99 percent we mainly received approval. Most people understand our decision,” says the chairman of SV Blerick.
