Healthy ninelings celebrate their first birthday: ‘They all have their own personality’ | Abroad

The pregnancy of 26-year-old Halima Cisse was world news last year. On May 5, the woman gave birth to nine babies, but that was also a big surprise for the mother. Cisse thought she would have seven babies, but during the cesarean delivery it turned out that there were nine: five girls and four boys.

Because Cisse needed special care, she was flown to a specialized hospital in Morocco. She still resides there with her nine sprouts. The mother is fine.

small birthday party

“It’s not easy, but it’s great,” said proud father Abdelkader Arby, an officer in the Malian army. “When you look at all the babies, we feel really relieved. Then we forget everything, even the fatigue.” He is back in Morocco after six months, together with their eldest daughter. “I’m so happy to be with my whole family again,” he says with relief.

The family celebrates a small birthday party with the nurses from the clinic. “We will always remember this great moment,” Arby said.

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‘They are all very different’

Having ninetons is extremely rare. Often having so many children at once is associated with medical complications, which means that some babies do not survive the entire pregnancy. As far as is known, no negel has ever survived. Fortunately, Cisse’s nine babies are perfectly healthy. The woman is even in the Guinness Book of World Records with her ninelings.

The mother lives with the children in a special flat of the clinic, where the children were also born. “There are nurses here to help my wife take care of the kids,” Arby says. The clinic has also created a menu for the children stating what they should eat each day.

The boys are called: Mohammed VI, Oumar, Elhadji, Bah, and the girls: Kadidia, Fatouma, Hawa, Adama and Oumou. “They all have their own personality,” says the father. “Some are quiet, others make more noise and cry a lot. Some want to be picked up all the time, others don’t. Yes, they are all very different, which is very normal.”

The children have not yet been to Mali, but are very popular in the country. “Everyone really wants to see the babies with their own eyes,” says the father. The father is grateful for the help they receive from the Malian government. “The Malian state has made every effort to care and treat the nine babies and their mother. It’s not easy, but it’s beautiful and something that is comforting,” said Arby.
