Vlahovic, cup care. He is tired, he will play part time against Genoa

The Serbian striker does “repetitions” with Allegri to be at the top in next Wednesday’s final against Inter. Probably against the Ligurians you will not play all 90 minutes

13.00, training has just ended, the Juventus players greet the fans (about 300) who attended the session opened from the Juventus Training Center tribune and then set off towards the changing rooms. All but one, because for some, the working day is not over yet. Dusan Vlahovic, thermal shirt and long pants under his training uniform, chooses to stop a little longer: Pinsoglio is in the goal and Massimiliano Allegri settles down to give him some advice, Dusan receives the ball first from the right and then from the left, tow and pull. The technician stops him a couple of times to show him how he has to do to make the movement more fluid, DV7 listens, watches and then tries to put it into practice. In the end, even Max starts to kick, giving life to an improvised challenge under the eyes of those who are still watching.

Cures in 7 days

The video made the rounds of social media: the teacher and the pupil, because even if he was paid 70 million euros, Vlahovic is still a 22-year-old boy who still has a great desire to grow and learn. In these 10-15 minutes of extra work there is the whole mentality of the Serbian striker, who despite his tiredness never wants to stop improving. The condition at the moment is not at the top, but Dusan wants to try to be it for the final of the Italian Cup: 7 days to return to shine as when he joined Juventus in January. In addition to the after-hours lessons, Allegri’s treatment also includes a little lightness. Vlahovic needs to free his head as well as not to weigh down his body at this stage of the season, because he has pulled a lot and the fatigue, mental and muscular, is felt.

Laughter and rest

That’s why Allegri pays him extra attention, drives him and if he pampers him, tries to make him laugh and joke. And it cannot be ruled out that after an initial tour de force (only one departure on the bench in the first 10 Serie A matches with Juventus) he may keep him out for the second time in three games. He could only do one half, so as not to lose the pace, whether it is the first or the second, it will depend on how the coach sees him today and tomorrow. Friday night’s match with Genoa is irrelevant for the Juventus standings, given that Juventus has already reached the mathematical qualification for the next Champions League, and the match that counts will be played on Wednesday 11 at the Olimpico against Inter.

Over 3 thousand

It will be Vlahovic’s first final and the last chance for the Lady to take home at least one trophy in a year that is certainly not sparkling, and Allegri will need his goalscorer. The fogging of the last few days does not erase the non-trivial numbers of the Serbian: 27 goals so far, of which 23 in the league and 7 in the black and white jersey. At Juventus he scored less than at Fiorentina (one goal every 155 minutes in the league against 1 every 109 in viola, where he also beat penalties) but the black and white shirt weighs more and the team does not always assist him properly. Even yesterday he didn’t seem particularly brilliant, but the 3410 minutes played so far are starting to be felt: only Szczesny in Juventus has put together more and in Serie A he is in the top four of the most used forwards.

Last effort

Vlahovic was taken in January for not the fourth place and the goal was achieved: his goals were precious for the Juventus comeback. But now the last effort is missing, the challenge that can give meaning to the first season of the Allegri bis. Dusan scored only once for the Nerazzurri, in 2019-20, and this year he was dry with both Fiorentina and Juventus. In Rome there will be a special atmosphere and DV7 wants to be at the top. At the cost of doing a week of additional lessons: stop and endlessly shoot, until Allegri tells him that it’s okay.
