what are the major marketing trends to follow in 2022?

Creating an effective marketing strategy requires paying attention to what’s new in social platforms, emerging marketing methods and changing consumer behavior. This is an essential step to properly meet their needs and achieve brand development. In a brand new study, Meltwaterthe world leader in media intelligence, unveils thirteen major marketing trends on which to rely to succeed in your marketing strategy in 2022.

Social shopping, a real boom on social platforms

For several years now, a new practice has been developing: social shopping. Concretely, it is a question of making direct purchases on social networks. Social shopping developed greatly during confinement, a period when it was impossible to go to the store to make purchases.

In the same category

A TV open on several streaming services.

Video streaming ad spend grew 57% in 2021


The proliferation of new features on social networks has also contributed to its popularization. By picking up this whitepaper, you’ll learn about the new shopping methods introduced by Pinterest and Instagram. It may be wise to use these new features to give a new twist to your marketing strategy.

By studying this market, we realize that 52% of people present on social platforms have already made a purchase via social networks. “, explains Mandy Landauer, Marketing Director of Meltwater. The possibility of making purchases from their home or any other place is a strong attraction for consumers. In some cases, they can even try the products through filters.

For many brands, social shopping has become a central component of their marketing strategy. It increases its conversion rate, its sales, and thus its income. The ebook reveals that Taobao, China’s largest online retailer, generated more than $61 billion in revenue in 2021 from its livestream channel.

Influencer marketing continues to grow

As social networks develop, influencers become essential actors in the development of brands. ” Today we do influence marketing in a different way, it is a sector that is becoming more professional. Today we are witnessing a change in expectations at the brand level. We are more simply in a search for visibility, but also a search for return on investment (ROI) “says Mandy Landauer.

To do this, companies are mainly turning to micro-influencers. The latter have very privileged links with their audience, who are very attentive to their recommendations. This is a considerable asset, given that consumers are more than ever looking for transparency and proximity. By downloading this study, you will learn more about the rise of micro-influencers. You will also discover the challenges that await brands to meet the emerging needs of Internet users in terms of authenticity and diversity.


More inclusive and conscious ads

Consumers increasingly seek to adhere to the values ​​of a brand rather than its products. They want to be able to recognize themselves in what it conveys and in its discourse. Faced with these growing needs, the entire advertising sector is gradually changing its paradigm. The objective: to be socially aware and inclusive and to take into account the growing issue of mental health. ” This is a change that is carried by future generations, Y and Z. This is a trend that we see reflected in social networks “says Mandy Landauer.

Several companies have already implemented actions to advance this new narrative. In early 2021, Pinterest banned all weight loss ads within its platform. This measure was taken following a worrying trend of unhealthy eating, intensified by periods of confinement and the negative impact of social media on self-esteem.

By downloading this white paper, you will also learn about the measures taken by YouTube or Pinterest for mental health. For the experts at Meltwater, there is no doubt that more and more forward-thinking marketers will take these types of measures.

At a time when society is marked by major changes, it is therefore essential to rethink its marketing and communication strategies so that they are more transparent, diversified and aware.

Ten other dynamics are to be discovered in this study:

  • Social audio;
  • live-shopping;
  • The Battle of the Creators;
  • The video on Instagram;
  • Tik Tok;
  • The metaverse;
  • Augmented reality;
  • Hybrid events;
  • Personalization and consumer targeting;
  • Thought leadership.

To know all the trends and understand how to concretely incorporate some of these great ideas into your marketing strategy, don’t forget to download the Meltwater white paper.

