At least 8,000 Ukrainian refugees received in North Holland

Since the war in Ukraine, at least 8,000 refugees have found shelter in our province. The actual number of Ukrainians in North Holland is probably higher, because not every region counts private reception with, for example, host families. Every day more than 200 refugees at Amsterdam Central Station, for which each security region must have 3,000 reception places ready before 23 June.

Illustrative image – Adobe Stock

Of the 12,000 Ukrainians who have been registered on arrival by the municipality of Amsterdam since 9 March, about 9,000 have been referred to a reception location elsewhere in the country. Before May 23, each of the security regions must make 2,000 places available, and another 1,000 a month later.

Until April 21, 1,640 reception places were available in Amsterdam itself, of which 997 are occupied. This mainly concerns places in hotels and hostels, which are not suitable for the long term. The security region is therefore well on its way to the 2,000 reception places, but it is still difficult to say whether this number will be achieved before the target date.

Throw and Fight Region

Other regions seem to be a bit behind when it comes to making the first 2,000 spots available. In the Gooi en Vechtstreek safety region, 1,134 places were available on April 21, of which 659 were occupied.

The security region expects to have 1,983 reception places on 20 May. “We are doing our best to reach those 2,000 places,” said a spokesperson.


Also in Zaanstreek-Waterland, the first demand of 1,000 shelter places has only just been met. On April 29, 1,030 places were available in the security region to receive Ukrainian refugees. A week earlier, that was still 1,360 places.

Of the 1,030 places, about 700 are occupied, as can be read in the Overview of the security region. “To meet the requested 2,000 places, we still need about 970 places. Refugees are also taken care of in non-municipal shelters, such as host families. These figures are not included in the overview,” according to the security region.

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On April 28, 1,596 Ukrainian refugees were received in municipal reception locations in the Kennemerland security region. In addition, another 1,238 refugees are received in the region by residents of the security region.

A spokesperson also reports that there are currently 198 places available in the region and that another 325 places will be added within two weeks. The region would be on track with regard to the target date of 23 May for the first 2,000 reception places.

North Holland North

In contrast to the other safety regions, the Noord-Holland Noord security region is already ahead of the curve scheme† “On April 28, 2022, at 4 p.m., there were 2,828 total places available, 2,500 filled places and 328 still available,” a spokesperson said.

The security region is therefore already almost meeting the new demand to realize a further 1,000 places above the 2,000 previous places. “As a security region, we are proud that we have already realized so many reception places. It is always difficult to predict when the refugees will come. But when they do come, we still have places available.”

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