“I collect 60,000 euros to be able to live longer”

Jana Rother (39) from Friedrichshain suffers from a severe form of breast cancer. Only an expensive immune therapy can save her now.

By Konstantin Marrach

“Actually, you shouldn’t feel sorry for someone at all, it’s better to help them.” With this quote from Maxim Gorki, Jana Rother from Berlin wants to draw attention to her fate.

The Berliner was diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2019. A particularly severe form that can only be successfully treated with expensive immunotherapy.

“I’ve been fighting the most important fight in my life since November 2019,” says Jana Rother (39) to the BZ brain educated.”

Bad prognosis for Jana Rother

Breast cancer is triple negative, which occurs primarily in younger women and affects about 15 to 20 percent of all breast cancers. According to experts, the patients have a high risk of metastasis and a poor prognosis.

Jana Rother before her cancer therapy with blond hair (Photo: private)

“My apparently last chance for a life-prolonging treatment is now solely in an individual immunotherapy,” says the Berliner. “That means diagnostics and treatment tailored to the type of tumor I have. Unfortunately, neither my family nor I personally have the necessary financial resources for this special type of cancer therapy.”

60,000 euros would be due for this form of treatment – ​​the so-called Io-Vac includes examinations, diagnostics and, above all, two doses of vaccine. Health insurance does not cover the costs…

“I still have the strength and, above all, the zest for life to be able to enjoy such mundane things as taking small trips, spending time together with friends, e.g. B. in the park or to explore the world with my three-year-old nephew and make it unsafe,” says Jana Rother.

6171 euros have already been collected from the call for donations, but the therapy is significantly more expensive (photo: private)
6171 euros have already been collected from the call for donations, but the therapy is significantly more expensive (photo: private)

The biological-technical assistant (currently on sick leave, of course) also has a big heart for animals and even has three house tigers at home in Friedrichshain. “Lotte is already an impressive 21 years old,” she says, “and I promised her not to leave this world before her. My other two kitties also want to continue to be lovingly cared for and all three enrich my life in a very special way with their purring and gentle nature.”

And then the brave Berliner says thoughtfully: “The uncertainty of how much time I have left is extremely stressful.”

Jana Rother has already collected more than 6000 euros. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so at www.gofundme.com/f/jana-will-leben to do.
