The loves of Anaïs: the review by Paolo Mereghetti

Type: Passionate and light-hearted comedy
Directed by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet. With Anaïs Demoustier, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Denis Podalydès, Jean Charles Clichet, Bruno Todeschini

Is Antoine Doinel back? Seeing the first work by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet, chosen last year by the Semaine de la Critique in Cannes to celebrate her sixtieth birthday, one cannot but think of the very young hero of Truffauthis vitality, his boldness, his desire to bend people to their desires.

Valeria Bruni Tedeschi in “The loves of Anaïs” - The meeting

Sure, the years have passed and at the center of the film there is no longer a teenager but a young woman – the bubbly Anaïs Demoustier, capable of looking younger than her thirty-five years – yet in the adventures of this restless resident at the Sorbonne (topic: the writing of the passion in the 17th century) there is a lot of Marivaux, but also a lot of Truffaut.

There is the unconsciousness of those who only want to follow the urges of the heart and stop at nothingnot even the fact that his latest object of desire is a famous writer.

But there is also the stubbornness (yes, a scam) of those who are ready to throw everything overboard, studies, jobs, loves, to pursue their new desire.

And she does it with an energy that always pushes her to run, to want to accelerate where others would go with lead feet. Because for her, her desire cannot wait.
For those who want to discover a student of Truffaut.

