FENERBAHCE NEWS – Flash Ismail Kartal comment from Erman Toroğlu! watch video

Fenerbahce sports news: Fenerbahce hosted Gaziantep FK in the 35th week of Spor Toto Super League. The yellow and dark blue team managed to win the tough match 3-2. With this result, Fenerbahçe continued to rise in the era of İsmail Kartal. A Spor commentator Erman Toroğlu talked about the management of Canary, who is looking for a coach in the new season despite the trend. Toroğlu said, “Ismail Kartal put the hand grenade on Ali Koç’s lap. We will see if Ali Koç pulls the pin of the bomb. However, as the photos of the search for a coach from the outside, the balance in the team deteriorates.” said.
