Simplified smart working has been extended: but there are two new features

F.the waiting for those who have wondered so far that what would have happened to smart working, the state of emergency ended. The Government has finally dissolved the doubts e answered questions from workers.

Smart working: double novelty

However, there are two new ones. The first concerns the fragile workersfor which the formula of simplified communication of remote work, has been extended until 30 June.

The second concerns, instead, all private sector workers: also for them, the use of “simplified” agile work has been extended from 30 June to 31 August.

smart working

Simplified communication: what it means

The simplified mode allows you not to have to attach any agreement between employee and employer. The latter, in fact, will only be required to communicate electronically to the Ministry of Labor the «names of the workers and the date of commencement and termination of work performance in agile mode “.

So he won’t have to submit all the documents relating to individual agreements signed with individual workers (which the company must keep in any case).

Approved the amendment

The amendment extending to 30 June the protection regime for fragile workers and the right to agile work even for parents of children with frailtyas well as, until 31 August, the simplified communication methods for all workers in the private sector, it was approved in the Social Affairs Commission in the Chamber.

Smart working, everyone wants it

Meanwhile, smart working is increasingly popular. So much so that about 58 percent of companies he said he found it very difficult to hire if this mode of work is not guaranteed.

And over 88 percent confirmed that, after the deadline set by the government, however, it will continue to offer the possibility of working remotely.

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The results of the recent survey conducted byAidp (Italian Association for Personnel Management) show, in fact, that the perspective seems to be that of a compromise between face-to-face and remote mode.

