Police ban pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin

Out of concern about renewed anti-Semitic incidents, the police have banned a demonstration by Palestinian initiatives planned for this Friday in Berlin.

“Based on experiences from the recent past” there is “the immediate danger” of anti-Semitic exclamations, glorification of violence and acts of violence, the police said on Thursday evening.

A “protest demonstration against Israeli aggression in Jerusalem” was registered for Friday afternoon. The participants wanted to run from Oranienplatz in Kreuzberg to Hermannplatz in Neukölln.

During similar demonstrations last Friday and Saturday, several hundred pro-Palestinian participants threw stones and firecrackers at police officers. The police also spoke of anti-Semitic calls and inflammatory slogans.

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A group of 40 young people was particularly aggressive. In a video sequence from Hermannplatz, young men shouted statements such as “Drecksjude”. Several demonstrators were arrested.

“Last weekend we had to experience crimes, anti-Semitic calls and slogans of the worst kind during the demonstrations. That is completely unacceptable,” said Berlin’s Senator for the Interior, Iris Spranger, on Thursday evening.

“If the assembly authority determines after a comprehensive overview that the conditions for a ban under the Berlin Freedom of Assembly Act are met, then I welcome and support that.”

with dpa
