photos of the epic race of the 1920s

In Milan until May 1st, the most beautiful photos of the legendary Cuneo-Colle della Maddalena exhibited at the Mia Fair. With Nuvolari the absolute protagonist

Maurizio Bertera

April 28, 2022 – 15:13

The beautiful photographic exhibition Those daredevils of the White Roads: Nuvolari, Varzi, Campari and other heroes at Cuneo – Colle della Maddalena, curated by Giosuè Boetto Cohen, arrives in Milan in the Famagosta area. Until May 1st inside Mia Fair – hosted by Superstudio Maxi in via Moncucco 35, five minutes walk from the Famagosta stop of the MM2 – Eberhard & Co. wants to give further prominence to this important project which allows the public disclosure of a part of an archive containing about 40,000 plates and films made by the Piedmontese photographer Adriano Scoffone (1891-1980), as well as the contextual digitization in a database that can be consulted online. It is the third release of the exhibition after the public success achieved by the first stage in 2020 at the San Francesco monumental complex in Cuneo and the second in 2021 at the Mauto in Turin. “The streets are the protagonists of the exhibition as well as these extraordinary cars and their drivers” explains Giosué Boetto Cohen.

an epic race

The exhibition itinerary will tell, through a selection of about 20 images, the Cuneo-Colle della Maddalena car challenge of the 1925, ’26, ’27 and 1930 editions. The race, which was held starting in 1925, was part of the Italian Automobile Championship – Running and European Mountain Sport: for difficulty and length it went down in history as one of the most daring of the time. The protagonists of the shots are the drivers who managed to obtain unthinkable performances, but above all the white and dusty roads of Piedmont that are the setting for the competition. A very different world from today’s one, which Adriano Scoffone was able to portray in the middle of the race: the most “tactical” points of the route, but also the start, the large public rushed to the sides of the track, and of course the parade of the champions, from Varzi to Campari, from Stuck to Caracciola. All capturing spectacular counter-steering, escapes in the straights and skids, in the dust, before the hairpin bends.

the Nuvolari myth

It is not surprising that the watch house Eberhard & Co. – historical partner of Mia Fair – is sponsoring the exhibition, which has a very close link with the world of “speed”, which began in the 1930s: Tazio Nuvolari owned a pocket watch with alarm function, of which only the case was found. This bond was reinforced in 1992, the year in which the brand dedicated a special collection to his name and became Chronometer and Official Partner of the Nuvolari Grand Prix. “Crucial in our decision to bring Scoffone’s photographs to Mia Fair was the presence of shots by Tazio Nuvolari – says Mario Peserico, CEO of Eberhard Italia – this year marks the 130th anniversary of his birth, an opportunity for us to great importance to once again celebrate his figure of myth. We will organize dedicated initiatives, with a new product that will later enrich the Nuvolari collection “.
