Help wanted: Jeffrey (75) has lost his recently deceased wife’s wedding ring

Walk through corridors, search the parking lot and search between the sheets; for example, on the night of March 21, Jeffrey Calmar searched for the wedding ring of his recently deceased wife. He drove back to the Maxima Medical Center in Veldhoven, but did not find the lost ring. An appeal his daughter posted on Facebook was shared more than 6800 times. Heartwarming, but that also did not bring the ring back for the time being.

Jeffrey Calmar (75) had been married exactly fifty years, when his wife Kini, aged 74, died. She died of a brain disorder in combination with corona. “Mom had actually been ill for two years. We already knew she would die, but it has gone very fast because of corona,” says daughter Mandy.

Jeffrey wanted to wear the ring himself, as a reminder of Kini. “Then she would stay with him for the time being,” says Mandy. He slid her ring around his little finger, but it was just a little too big for this finger. In the ring is Jefrrey’s name with the engagement date 16-01-1971.

It had been freezing that night, so Jeffrey had to scratch the car before he could go home. “We think it happened then, but we don’t know for sure,” said Mandy. When he got home, the ring was no longer on his little finger. Together with his daughter he searched drowsy, but the ring remained without a trace.

According to Mandy, Jefrrey is doing well under the circumstances, but still hopes that the wedding ring will be found.

Did you find Jeffrey’s wedding ring? Let us know at [email protected] Or do you also have a special story about a lost wedding ring? We’d like to hear that too. huh
