Anna Falchi returns to Fiorello’s betrayal

H.a blown, a few days ago (exactly on April 22), on its premieres 50 candles. For the occasion, Anna Falchi was told in the latest issue of Today (who also dedicated the cover to her), between loves of the present and the past. About the latter, the presenter is back to talk about her relationship with Fiorellofinished later a showman betrayal. “My first pain of love,” she confessed.

After the betrayal, a mega party in Romagna

Many years have passed but, in some ways, the end of the story with Fiorello marked for the presenter of the Your Facts a point of no return. They were the 90’s, both were already very famous and loved by the Italian public. Theirs was a love story that made everyone dream. One day, however, while she was busy shooting a film, Anna Falchi came home to surprise Fiore and, returning, discovered his betrayal.

He told it to Today: “I was betrayed. My first love pain. When it was over, I gave a mega party in Romagna and it was the last time I celebrated my birthday … If it made me suffer? Yup, we suffered“.

The stories with Stefano Ricucci and Andrea Ruggieri

THE 50 years by Anna Falchi are also an opportunity to do a balance of his life, through thick and thin. In addition to remembering the end of the story with Fiorello, the host she exposed herself to other loves that have marked her. Among them, there is undoubtedly the one with the ex-husband Stefano Ricucci, to whom he dedicated words of great affection. “IS the ideal of a man that everyone would like next to. Romantic, generous, dedicated. That was the best and worst time of my life“.

A story that, after Ricucci’s imprisonment, suffered a setback: “It ended simply because you lose faith in a person. And because I didn’t want to live with the anxiety that they might ring the doorbell and take him away, ”she confessed.

Anna Falchi

The real estate developer Stefano Ricucci with his wife Anna Falchi in an image taken during the wedding in Porto Santo Stefano (Grosseto) in July 2005. Photo ANSA / li

Now Anna Falchi has eyes only for his daughter Alyssa11 years old, born from the story with the entrepreneur Denny Montesi.

The showgirl has been linked to Andrea Ruggieri for a decade, deputy of Forza Italia and grandson of Bruno Vespa. On living with Ruggieri he said: «It is an experience that is putting us to the test. We lead different lives with different schedules. I’ve never felt so alone since we’ve been together. It seems a paradox but it is so ».

