How to train in growth marketing, business growth accelerator?

To be sustainable, a company must implement various marketing actions that will allow it to gain notoriety and increase its sales. This is a daily challenge, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. The latter have less budget to allocate to the launch of major marketing campaigns.

To remain competitive and ensure their future, many organizations are opting for growth marketing. Concretely, this consists of deploying multiple techniques to multiply the growth of a company.

In the same category


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To set them up, they call on growth marketers. emlyon business school precisely offers a training which allows training for this profession of the future.


Growth marketer, a profession at the heart of tomorrow’s digital marketing

The growth marketer is a recent job, born of an urgent need: to accelerate the development of companies, especially the most recent ones, and to propel their sales. This must be done at a lower cost. To achieve this, he must handle all the cogs of digital including UI/UX, copywriting, data analysis or even the traditional levers of web marketing. So many things that are essential to accelerate the growth of a business and attract new customers. He must be able to test each element quickly so that the company develops as quickly as possible.

Even in times of crisis, growth marketers are highly sought-after profiles. This is explained by the accelerated digitization of organizations and the dynamism of the start-up ecosystem. Their technical, analytical and creative skills make them cornerstones in today’s and tomorrow’s businesses. They can progress to positions of technical or team responsibility, such as Acquisition Manager or Product Owner. Positions with a strategic vision that require a certain versatility.

Emlyon business school’s online training allows you to acquire a whole range of knowledge of this type, in just 12 hours. It is intended for unit managers, marketing directors, traffic managers, account executives or even marketing and sales managers. It particularly concerns those who would like to understand all the tricks of growth marketing. Several professionals have already taken this training, which has enabled them to broaden their vision of growth marketing:

A pragmatic training that allowed me to have a new vision of funnel marketing. For each of the steps, we were able to discover innovative hacking techniques with concrete and applicable examples. Following the training, the field of possibilities is multiplied and the desire to apply is more than palpable. “says Dorian Lambert, Growth Marketing Manager.


Handling growth marketing

By joining this 100% online training, participants will master the methods and techniques of growth marketers that will allow them to ” quickly validate market hypotheses, increase the number of visitors and users of products/services and optimize all digital marketing strategies “.

Here is the program that will be offered to you:

  • Find your product/market fit;
  • Be able to quickly test your value proposition;
  • Discover the most appropriate acquisition channel for your business;
  • Study its environment;
  • Build an effective marketing funnel;
  • Build your marketing conversion funnel;
  • Identify methods and tools;
  • Implement growth marketing initiatives;
  • Know how to create a backlog of growth initiatives;
  • Know how to set up “Growth sprints”.

A 12-hour training course in French orchestrated by Sébastien Elion, educational manager. This performance marketing professional has been practicing for more than 15 years. He puts his skills in growth marketing, digital and product management at the service of startups and large groups. He was in charge of a growth team of 10 people within the Lagardère group for five years, then marketing director for pure players Paris Attitude, Magic Stay, City-Drop and now a consultant for TF1 digital and Idean by Capgemini on growth hacking and monetization of digital services.

The objectives of the training offered by theemlyon business school are clear: master the concepts of growth of a start-up and the basic patterns of growth marketing. This training does not require any prerequisites. If you want to build your skills and become a seasoned growth marketer, this is the opportunity to take charge of your career.

