King’s Day 2022: Orange bitter for the decorated in Boxtel

Confidence in King Willem-Alexander has again fallen compared to a year earlier. Just under half of the population (47 percent) currently has confidence in the king, according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the NOS among a thousand people. A year earlier this was over three quarters of the Dutch population.

The king receives a score of 6.7 from the public. A year earlier it was still a 7.1 and the year before even a 7.7. However, Queen Máxima is improving somewhat: where she received a score of 7.5 last year, it is now a 7.6.

Earlier this week, the EenVandaag poll made it clear that confidence in the royal couple has never been so low. This is partly because the royal couple did not always adhere to the corona rules in the past two years.
