Cities call for ’emergency plan’ against Corona autumn wave

The German Association of Cities has called on the federal government to quickly take precautions against a possible further corona wave in autumn. Chief Executive Helmut Dedy told the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday) that the federal government had not made any preparations so far. “We need an emergency plan for new waves of infection.”

Virologists said clearly that a new corona wave was certain in the fall, explained Dedy. “They just don’t know yet which virus variant it will be.” The federal government must therefore have something in the drawer in case new virus variants have to be fought. For example, it may be necessary for the mask requirement to be reintroduced in retail in a few months because a dangerous virus variant has appeared. “Then you first need a change in the Infection Protection Act for a nationwide regulation,” said Dedy.

According to the currently applicable Infection Protection Act, mask requirements are only possible in a few areas such as medical practices or public transport. In order to be able to order further measures, the federal states must declare regions as hotspots by state parliament resolution. According to the law, this hotspot rule and the mask requirement in surgeries, buses and trains can only be applied until September 23rd. (dpa)
