Where are the Ukrainian refugees who fled the war

Lexodus of Ukrainian citizens after the Russian invasion of the country has turned into largest humanitarian emergency in Europe from the second postwar period. In the first 14 days alone, more refugees had left the country than had been caused by wars of the Balkans or from Kosovo war of 1999.

The tragedy of refugees fleeing Ukraine: the alarm of the World Food Program

Ukrainian refugees: what Europe is doing

For this the governments of the European Union have acted promptly deciding to activate immediatelyby way of exception, the European directive dating back to over twenty years earlier. This is number 55, conceived in the summer of 2001, when we found ourselves faced with the massive number of displaced people from the Balkan countries, harassed by years of wars.

Immediate protection

This allows you to speed up and streamline protection procedures (albeit temporary) of the displaced. In this way, people can immediately enjoy medical and social assistance, the right to work and the right to education for minors.

But also of the contributions for the sustenance of families allocated by the community authorities. They are also left there freedom to move between European nationswith no restrictions on moving from one country to another.

Ukrainian refugees

Refugees from Ukraine (photo Ai.Bi.)

Ukrainian refugees in Europe

More than 100,000 people flee from war-torn Ukraine every day. In the first 40 days of conflict, from February 24 to April 4, 2022, according to UNHCR, more than 4 million people have fled, on average 116 thousand every day, about 10 percent of the population. Most of them are women and minorsbecause the Ukrainian government prohibits men between 16 and 60 from leaving the country, except for a few exceptions.

The only way to escape is by land and, in fact, most refugees travel north-west across the country, reaching Poland first. This is the country that has received the largest number of refugees, so far, exactly 2.47 million people, equal to 58,1% of the total. To follow, there is the Romania, which takes in 15.3% of the displaced. So the Moldova, Hungary, the Russian Federation and the Slovakia, where UNHCR recorded similar entries, between 7% and 9% of the total. There Belarusinstead, it saw the passage of just over 16 thousand people.

Ukrainian refugees in Italy

The people from Ukraine who entered Italy on 4 April, as reported by Openpolis, were 83,100. Just over 2 thousand a day. According to the data reported by the Ministry of the Interior, of these, 42,879 were women, 8,851 men and 31,670 minors. The cities of destination declared upon entry into Italy are Milan, Rome, Naples and Bologna.

The emergency car activated quickly, albeit the refugees currently hosted in the reception system are few. However, this is not due to an inefficiency of the system, as to the fact that most of them have resumed contact with family members, friends and acquaintances, who already lived in Italy, given the large Ukrainian community already present in our country before the conflict.

