The weak points of the zodiac signs in spring

Qwhat are our weariness? Many, too many, go around us until we are stunned. L’Aries he will never admit to being exhausted by the tangle of crazy competition and unconscious desire to surrender. To the Bull the fatigue comes straight from the world of work, a stressful load that devours body and mind. THE Twins they get stressed out in communicative intoxication. They write, tweet and retweet intoxicated with their own words.

Constellations of the northern hemisphere from “Atlas coelestis” by Philp Lea, 1686 (photo Ipa / Alamy).

The Cancer he slaughters himself with his children. Other than “piezz e ‘core”. They are the ones with a broken heart, prey to all kinds of worries. The Lion? She is hostage to his fatigue, that of taking charge of others which ends up emptying his soul. There Virgin she is reduced to a flicker by the duty to be perfect in everything and forgets that she is happy.

There Balance is devoured by aesthetic obsession, while it Scorpio he is flayed by the idea of ​​a professional performance with maximum performance. The Sagittarius he is fatigued by his own marathon of moving, traveling, perpetually going beyond all boundaries.

The Capricorn he is silent, but he knows perfectly well that his effort is to hold on, to resist any pressure in the world. L’Acquarium misses in the face of mental inactivity. And i Fish? Their effort is to juggle the fears of all the other signs. The stress of not letting them surface is titanic. So? Take it for yourself. Otherwise fatigue will devour the world.

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