Honey Boo Boo: What’s up now?

Honey Boo Boo has suffered from a reality TV star and her confused mother, but she herself is doing well.

Alana aka Honey Boo Boo in 2019. AOP

Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Shannon16, rose to the world’s awareness of childhood in Toddlers & Tiaras. Then he got his own series Here Comes Honey Boo Boo i.e. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

The girl was only 4 years old in her first Toddlers & Tiaras episode. He got into a big public spin a couple of years later, at the age of six.

In 2012, Honey Boo Boo was still playing with dolls but was already a super celebrity. AOP

In dance training in 2018. AOP

Alana, not Honey Boo Boo

Today, Honey Boo Boo attends high school and dreams of working as a pediatric nurse.

Even the young woman has already started dating. She is dating a 20-year-old university student, Dralin Carswellin, with. The dating only came to light from Honey Boo Boon Instagram recently when Honey Boo Boo shared photos of the duo.

Honey Boo Boo has also remained in the media. Last summer, he posed in Vogue for young people.

In an interview, Honey Boo Boo talked about, among other things, what it was like to become famous at the age of 6 and how her public career has continued since then.

– I want to make money and earn my own money, Honey Boo Boo said in an interview.

Still, maintaining a certain standard of living has proven difficult for Honey Boo Boo. The reason for this is that the young woman says she is still treated like a child, even though she really is no longer 6 years old. Honey Boo Boo says she consciously did a lot of work to get her taken seriously.

– And I have to say that I like this current Alana much more than the younger one, Honey Boo Boo adds.

Honey Boo Boo and her mother Mama in June 2015. AOP

Daughter and mother in 2018. AOP

Nasty comments

However, the life of an ordinary teenager as a reality TV star has not always gone smoothly. In an interview with Teen Vogue, Honey Boo Boo said, among other things, malicious comments about looks are an everyday nuisance.

– I feel that my generation is making the situation worse. Talk about body positivity until you see a body you don’t like.

“I don’t understand people who hate me because I have extra meat around my bones,” he said.

Honey Boo Boo also revealed she has little friends as she doesn’t trust people.

However, Totally Honey Boo Boo has not left television.

She was seen competing in the junior version of Dancing with the Stars three years ago

Last fall, Honey Boo Boo attended her mother Mama Junen with the US Masked Singer. Dressed as a beach ball, the duo were singled out as the worst singers in the history of the entire program.

The beach ball got spun off the stage of Masked Singer. AOP

Mama June and Honey Boo Boot were crammed as the worst singers in Masked Singer’s history. AOP

Mom’s drug mixing

Something good was born of the program.

First, Mama June rejoiced that she was allowed to do something with her daughter again.

In the days of Masked Singer, Mama June had a reason to celebrate anyway. He had, at least in his own words, managed to stay dry for two years at the time.

The relationship between mother and daughter broke down in 2019 when Mama June began to have problems with her then-male friend, Geno Doakinwith.

He has said he spent thousands of dollars a day on drugs at the time.

Drug use led to Mama June’s financial difficulties and she sold her family home in the fall of 2019, among other things.

Honey Boo Boo has three sisters: Anna, Jessica and Pumpkin. Of these, Pumpkin acted as his guardian while his mother mingled with drugs.

Pumpkin’s sister was the custodian of Honey Boo Boon when Mama June mingled with drugs. AOP

Proud of yourself

Mama June, along with Geno Doak, was convicted of drug offenses in community service.

– When my mother went really bad, I knew where I at least didn’t want to end up. I’m proud of myself for getting this far, Honey Boo Boo has said.

He himself does not use any kind of intoxicants.

Honey Boo Boo saves money on your car.

He also dreams of being called by his own name.

– My mother didn’t give me the name Honey Boo Boo. I’m Alana, a young woman reminds me.

High school attendant Honey Boo Boo is dating Dralin Carswell. AOP

Source: The Sun.
