In the event of an election victory: Macron appears at the Eiffel Tower, Le Pen plans a bus parade

PARIS (dpa-AFX) – In the event of their victory in the presidential election this Sunday, both Head of State Emmanuel Macron and his challenger Marine Le Pen have each planned a celebratory appearance. The incumbent liberal President Macron wants to receive his supporters on the Champ-de-Mars near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, as reported by the newspaper “Le Parisien”.

The right-wing Le Pen, meanwhile, wants to start a parade through Paris from the location in the Bois de Boulogne, where the election night is being celebrated, with the 13 buses of their election campaign. The buses with Le Pen’s photo, led by the candidate’s car, are to head for prominent places such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Place de la Concorde and the Place de la Rpublique in Paris, after which it is said to go to an as yet unknown location outside the capital .

On the other hand, there was initially no information on the plans of the candidates in the event of a defeat./rbo/DP/jha
